Employee Resource Group


Strategies Specifically Designed for Developing Effective ERG Leadership

In today’s diverse and dynamic workplace, it’s crucial that organizations create an environment where every employee feels valued, respected, and able to thrive. One key element to achieving this game-changing workplace culture is the formation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). These voluntary employee-led groups are open to all of your employees and bring together individuals who share interests, backgrounds, and identities, ranging from mental well-being groups to caregivers.

Through our Elevated ERG Ecosystem, which features experiential workshops, a resource bank, and office hours, we can help you reach your organizational goals, including:

  • Enhancing Employee Engagement & Retention: When employees feel a strong connection to their workplace and co-workers, they are 5x more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to the organization’s success.
  • Promoting Inclusion and Belonging: ERGs give employees a sense of community and a platform to have their voices heard.
  • Developing Emerging Leaders: ERG offers opportunities for employees to develop their leadership, communication, and persuasion and negotiation skills.
  • Driving Innovation & Business Impact: ERGs provide valuable insights and perspectives that can inform decision-making, product development, and customer engagement. By tapping into the diverse experiences, perspectives, and ideas of ERG members, organizations can unlock new avenues for growth and innovation.

Let's Talk About ERG Support For Your Organization

The Elevated ERG Ecosystem

Our ERG Ecosystem empowers your Employee Resource Groups with the knowledge, resources, and guidance needed to get results. It features experiential workshops for Leaders and Sponsors, a self-paced microlessons library, a Resource Center with tools and templates, and Office Hours for personalized coaching. This multifaceted approach prepares your ERGs leads to be high-impact and results focused. 


Leadership Development Workshops


Executive Sponsor Workshop


ERG Resource Center




Office Hours

Leading Organizations Like These Partner With Elevated Diversity.

ERG Training & Service Offerings

Effective ERG Leadership

ERG leaders possess the power to inspire ERG member engagement while also driving real business impact. The ability to effectively manage and realize both – takes a thorough understanding of the ERG’s role within the organization, effective and inclusive leadership skills, and a solid overarching strategy. 

The ERG Leader Experiential Learning program empowers leaders with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to effectively and confidently lead an ERG. The workshops focus on understanding (1) the critical role of strategic planning and (2) the need to proactively engage and effectively communicate with members. 

ERG Executive Sponsor Training

The effectiveness of an ERG Executive Sponsor can greatly impact the success or lack thereof for an ERG. But many Executive Sponsors share that they don’t know how much to lead or if they should simply provide guidance when asked.

The Elevated ERG Executive Sponsor program empowers leaders with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively support and champion Employee Resource Groups within your organization. This program offers a comprehensive curriculum focused on enhancing executive sponsors’ understanding of ERGs, fostering inclusive leadership practices, and maximizing impact.

Effective ERG Leadership

ERG Leadership Development Workshops


Employee resource group leaders possess the power to inspire member engagement while also driving real business impact. Effectively managing and realizing both requires a thorough understanding of the ERG’s role within the organization, effective and inclusive leadership skills, and a solid overarching strategy.

The ERG Leader Experiential Learning program empowers leaders with the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to effectively and confidently lead an ERG. The workshops focus on understanding the critical role of strategic planning in ERG leadership. By equipping ERG leaders with a deep understanding of strategic planning, the program enables them to develop and implement comprehensive plans that align their ERG’s initiatives with the organization’s broader goals and objectives. In addition to strategic planning, the program also emphasizes the need for ERG leaders to proactively engage and effectively communicate with their members. This is a crucial aspect of driving meaningful impact and member engagement. The workshops provide ERG leaders with the skills and techniques to foster open and inclusive communication, build strong relationships with their members, and inspire them to actively participate in the ERG’s activities and initiatives.

Workshop 1
Strategy & Impact

By the end of the interactive workshop, ERG Leaders:
  • Have a shared understanding of ERG fundamentals, including what ERGs are, why they matter, and how they are formed. 
  • Appreciate the importance of creating a quality ERG charter for good governance and organizational sustainability. 
  • Know the 4Cs framework for aligning ERG strategies with organizational goals to maximize impact and relevance.
  • Understand the importance of strategic planning for making strategic impact and aligning members and allies.  
  • Have a template for creating a quality strategic plan and opportunities to practice applying the strategic planning model to their respective ERGs. 
  • Learn a framework for strategically selecting and engaging Executive Sponsors and discuss examples of effective v ineffective Executive Sponsor collaboration. 
  • Collaborate with peers to exchange insights, experiences, and innovative approaches to strategic planning, hosting activities, and aligning with business objectives. 

Workshop II
Member Engagement & ERG Sustainability

By the end of the interactive workshop, ERG Leaders:
  • Appreciate the importance of consistent member engagement and ensuring long-term organizational sustainability.
  • Learn strategies and tactics for engaging members, allies, and Executive Sponsor(s) in varied and meaningful ways. 
  • Learn how a communications infrastructure and plan help foster member engagement, organizational buy-in, and planning. 
  • Appreciate the importance of advance planning for transitions like leadership turnover, changes to how ERGs are resourced, company reorgs. 
  • Apply knowledge gained to develop an engagement and communication plan that aligns with ERG goals and objectives.
  • Collaborate with peers to exchange insights, experiences, and innovative approaches to strategic planning, hosting activities, and aligning with business objectives. 

Self-Paced Microlessons

Module I

Inclusive Leadership

Module II

Cultural Competency

Module III

On Being an Ally

Other Program Elements

Access to the ERG Knowledge Bank

Includes access to Elevated Diversity’s equity and inclusion-focused tools and resources

Office Hours

Executive coaching time with Megan Karsh to be used for any ERG leader seeking individualized support

ERG Executive Sponsor

ERG Ecosystem

As part of the ERG Ecosystem, the ERG Executive Sponsor workshop is designed to equip senior leaders and executives with the knowledge and skills to sponsor and support employee resource groups (ERGs) effectively. 
From a big-picture perspective, the session is designed to enhance the executive’s understanding of the strategic value of ERGs and their role in its overarching success. The session then delves into how an effective ERG executive sponsor serves as a strategic partner, mentor, and advocate and provides the practical strategies needed to drive the ERG’s success and align it with the organization’s overall goals and objectives.

Effective Executive Sponsorship

By the end of the interactive workshop, Executive Sponsors:
  • Have a shared understanding of ERG fundamentals, including what ERGs are, why they matter, and how they are formed. 
  • Discuss the business case for ERGs and share examples of when ERG activities furthered organizational objectives. 
  • Learn the 4Cs framework for aligning ERG strategies with organizational goals to maximize impact and relevance.
  • Learn a 3-part framework for understanding the roles Executive Sponsors can play for their respective ERGs. 
  • Discuss strategies and tactics for representing ERG interests and promoting DEI at the highest levels within the organization.
  • Apply knowledge gained to setting intentions and creating an action plan for next steps in their executive sponsorship. 
  • Collaborate with fellow executive to exchange ideas, experiences, and innovative approaches to ERG strategy, engagement, and sustainability. 

Self-Paced Microlessons

Module I

Inclusive Leadership

Module II

Cultural Competency

Module III

On Being an Ally

Other Program Elements

  • Access to the ERG Knowledge Bank.
    • Includes access to Elevated Diversity’s equity and inclusion-focused tools and resources
      Office Hours.
  • Executive coaching time with Megan Karsh to be used for any executive sponsors seeking individualized support.

ERG Resource Center

ERG Resources


Copy regarding the ERG Resource Center

Facilitator Guide

We will provide a facilitator guide that ….

Fundamentals of DEI

We’ll provide The Fundamentals of DEI training…

Allyship in Action

The Allyship in Action book will be available…

Additional ERG Resources

ERG & BRG Formation


Strategic Planning Consulting


Annual Retreat


Explore More DEI Training Programs

Understanding the Language of DEI
There is considerable misunderstanding in today’s workplace regarding DEI related terminology and language usage. From pronouns to racial descriptions (Latina vs. Latinx, Black or African American, gay or queer), our need for greater understanding of this space has grown significantly over the last few years.
Learn more about Understanding the Language of DEI
Self-Awareness in the Workplace & Beyond
Understanding unconscious bias requires a sense of awareness of workplace dynamics as well as one’s own perspectives and views. By learning strategies designed to mitigate bias, leaders and employees can foster more productive teams, more effective leadership, and more inclusive cultures.
Learn more about Self-Awareness in the Workplace & Beyond
Understanding Inclusive Leadership
Explore today's most critical insights on inclusive leadership and learn strategies for creating collaborative teams which achieve optimal business outcomes.
Learn more about Understanding Inclusive Leadership
Inclusive Recruiting
Inclusive recruitment is a core skill for human resources professionals as well as hiring managers; from resume review to candidate onboarding.
Learn more about Inclusive Recruiting
How to Authentically Create an Anti-Racist Workplace
Learn to create an "anti-racism" workplace where employees feel respected & engaged; for improved communications, collaboration and performance.
Learn more about How to Authentically Create an Anti-Racist Workplace
On Being an Ally
Allyship is the practice of using one’s position of power or privilege to support and uplift others for the greater good. Understanding the do’s and the don’ts — are all part of the allyship journey.
Learn more about On Being an Ally
Becoming Comfortable with the Uncomfortable: Managing Difficult Conversations
Being able to effectively manage difficult conversations is a critical business skill - especially when those conversations may involve matters related to race, gender, or ethnicity. With changing workplace demographics, the ability to effectively discuss matters once considered taboo in the work environment will continue to become more prevalent, commonplace, and necessary.
Learn more about Managing Difficult Conversations
Inclusion for All: Recognizing the Differently-Abled in the Workplace
If your organization does not have a tangible and actionable strategy to address disability inclusion, you could be excluding over 20% of American adults.
Learn more about Recognizing the Differently-Abled in the Workplace
Disability Awareness
Unsure where to begin with disability hiring, awareness, and/or support? We can be your starting point! All of our course offerings are available for individual sessions or topics can be combined for powerful day(s) of training.
Learn more about Disability Awareness
Effective ERG Executive Sponsors
The effectiveness of an ERG Executive Sponsor can greatly impact the success or lack thereof for an ERG. But many Executive Sponsors share that they don’t know how much to lead or if they should simply provide guidance when asked.
Learn more about Effective ERG Executive Sponsors
Recognizing & Handling Microaggressions in the Workplace
Understanding what microaggressions are and how they are manifested in the workplace is the first step in mitigating damage to the organizational culture and team dynamics.
Learn more about Recognizing & Handling Microaggressions in the Workplace
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