The Elevated Diversity Sphere of

connectivity framework

A proven DEI approach to building and sustaining cultures that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.


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The Elevated Diversity SPHERE of Connectivity Framework

Our proprietary SPHERE of Connectivity Framework is a proven approach that turns DEI into an actionable, sustainable part of your culture. Our expert strategists use this framework to apply their decades of real-world business experience and evidence-based methodologies, infusing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging into your culture.



the landscape and understand the path forward



for the journey through strategy and alignment



the power of shared awareness and shared language



employees and create meaningful experiences



new talent through expanded recruiting processes



awareness of your DEI advocacy internally and externally

The SPHERE of Connectivity framework guides your unique journey in a way that is relevant for your organization and aligned with your business goals.

The SPHERE of Connectivity Framework

A proven approach to building and sustaining cultures that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

We're here to help.

Let us help you with a customized program that is the right solution for your business.
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We provide a thorough culture assessment that lays the groundwork for an effective DEI journey, pinpointing areas for improvement and providing clarity on opportunities for growth and engagement.

A successful DEI journey demands that you know where you’re starting from. Elevated Diversity strategists conduct a diligent assessment of your culture, reviewing the landscape and benchmarking it against your peers. This effort sets the foundation for your journey by identifying where you most need to improve in supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. You’ll gain clarity on your greatest opportunities for growth and engagement.


Our tailored strategic plan ensures your organization’s DEI efforts are in harmony with your business objectives, offering a clear path forward that is customized to your current position and future aspirations.

To achieve greater diversity, equity, and inclusion, you need a sound strategy and plan that aligns with your organization’s business goals and objectives. With your assessment as our guide, the Elevated Diversity team develops a strategic plan that clearly defines your path forward and aligns with your goals. Customized to your business, this plan provides a roadmap designed to meet you where you are today and take you where you need to be tomorrow.


We facilitate a shared understanding and commitment to DEI across your organization through comprehensive and flexible education and training programs led by subject matter experts, promoting inclusive leadership, cultural competence, and ongoing learning opportunities for sustained progress.

It’s only through shared awareness, knowledge, and language that your entire organization can support and embrace DEI from the same perspective, with the same commitment. To build that common foundation, Elevated Diversity leads evidence-based education and training programs that create awareness and understanding on inclusive leadership, unconscious bias, self-awareness, cultural competency, inclusive communication, and other critical DEI topics. Our subject matter experts deliver a wide range of flexible learning and coaching options both virtually and on site, and employees can tap micro-learnings for continued education long after the initial training.


We foster enhanced employee engagement and productivity by tailoring initiatives, such as DEI councils, mentoring and sponsorship programs, and employee resource groups, empowering your workforce to lead, participate, and track diversity and inclusion efforts, thus creating an environment where everyone’s voice is heard and valued.

A workforce that’s more engaged and more committed to an environment where everyone feels they belong will naturally be more productive. Elevated Diversity helps you boost employee engagement through meaningful experiences and other initiatives tailored to your goals. These can include DEI councils that enable your team to lead, participate in, and track your efforts to improve diversity and inclusion; mentoring and sponsorship programs that support aspiring leaders across your entire workforce; and employee resource groups that give everyone from every background the chance to be heard.


Our strategy aids in attracting and retaining diverse talent through comprehensive support, including inclusive recruitment strategies, optimized selection processes, and inclusive onboarding experiences, along with the development of robust leadership programs to cultivate a more diverse talent pipeline.

To attract and retain talent with a rich diversity of backgrounds and perspectives, you need inclusive and equitable recruitment and retention strategies. Elevated Diversity supports you from end to end—crafting inclusive job listings, optimizing recruitment channels, empowering more equitable candidate selection through more effective questions and scoring models, and ensuring your onboarding provides an inclusive experience. We also help you build out a more diverse talent pipeline through robust leadership development programs.


We collaborate with you to fortify the lasting influence of your DEI initiatives, establishing internal and external awareness through strategic communication efforts, fostering inclusive collaboration, and anchoring your efforts to key performance metrics for accountability and sustainability, thus solidifying your commitment to DEI.

To help you sustain the gains you’ve achieved for long-term impact, we work with you to establish awareness of your DEI advocacy efforts, both internally and externally. Our communication experts develop and implement communication strategies designed to convey your DEI commitment and activities, effectively and transparently. We also create opportunities for greater connections, foster more inclusive collaboration, and help ensure your efforts are tied to key performance metrics that ensure accountability and sustainability.
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)

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Business Impact on Companies with a DEI Strategy


Over 75% of employees and job seekers emphasize the significance of a diverse workforce when assessing companies and considering job opportunities.


Diverse leadership teams deliver 19% higher revenue.


Businesses boasting greater diversity in their senior management are 1.7 times more likely to seize a new market.

Looking for a customized solution for your organization?

Contact us and we’ll walk you through the details of our customized programming to determine the right solution for your business.